
Hannah Kauders is a writer and literary translator from Boston. She graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa from Barnard College (Columbia University) in 2015 with a degree in Spanish and Latin American Cultures and went on to receive an MFA in Writing and Translation from Columbia University. Hannah’s work appears or is forthcoming in LitHub, The Drift, Fiction International, Words Without Borders, PEN America, No Contact Mag, Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation, and she is the translator of Iván Monalisa Ojeda’s Las Biuty Queens (Astra House Publishing). She was a finalist for the 2020 Iowa Review Award in fiction. Hannah has over a decade of experience as a tutor and writing consultant in New York City and has held teaching appointments at Barnard College and Columbia University.


Eva Dunsky is a writer and translator originally from Venice, CA who is currently pursuing an MFA in fiction and translation from Columbia University. In 2017, she graduated cum laude from Barnard College (Columbia University) with majors in English and Human Rights. At Barnard, Eva worked in the Writing Center, helping students with various writing projects ranging from creative assignments to theses to grant applications, and was awarded the Erica Mann Jong ’63 Writing Fellowship Award. From there, she went on to work for a nonprofit specializing in K-8 education in NYC. At Columbia, she holds a University Writing fellowship and teaches a first-year academic writing course for international students. In addition to teaching first-year writing, Eva has also taught writing intensives for elementary and high school students, as well as workshops for matriculating college freshmen to help them develop their writing skills. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Joyland, The Los Angeles Review, and Columbia Journal, among others.